Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Nepali Ways

Today was sort of a sad day because it was the last day of our trek and we had to say goodbye to many friends including Dorje our horse and Wangchu our guide.  We are now in Pokhara for one night before heading to the Jungle for two days.  We will post more pictures when we are back in Kathmandu as well as writing more about the trek.  Being back in a town is nice but also very noisy and busy.  More soon.

Namaste and TTFN


  1. Hello Pascale,
    Wow it looks like you have been very busy. I love the pictures you have shared as well as your thoughts about your travels. You look very happy in the pictures. I can't wait to hear about your trek.
    Mrs. Croghan

  2. Hi Pascale, and give a big HI to your folks for us. I know I wrote a comment yesterday, but apparently it didn't post. Glad to hear you had a successful trek. Hope you enjoy Chitwan as much as we did, especially riding on the elephants. Have you dad make his elephant trumpet for you.

    Enjoy the rest of your trip.

    Love, Grandpa and Grandma.
