Wednesday, October 27, 2010


This is an introduction about Kathmandu for you.  Kathmandu is a very ancient city of narrow winding streets with no side walks, old Hindu and Buddhist temples, large palaces, teaming markets, and ugly big apartment buildings. Some of the things you notice when you get to Kathmandu is that there are lots of stray dogs on the street as well as cows, which just wander the streets, with cars and motor bikes whizzing past them.  There are also lots of monkeys on the streets, in the trees, and on the fences.  There are lots and lots of motorcycles, a few cars, but mostly lots of pedestrians.  Everyone shares the busy streets, cars, motorbikes, pedestrians, dogs, and cows.  Nepali's favorite animal is the cow, and in Nepal it is illegal to hit one with your car or motorbike, because it is a sacred animal.

I am sorry to say this, but Kathmandu is very polluted.  So in Kathamndu, unfortunately, if your walking outside you breathe in dirty fumes.  There are also lots of smells in Kathmandu, some like incense are very good, and others like rotting garbage are very bad. 

A narrow street in Kathmandu, notice how everyone shares the street
Stupa's and Prayer flags in Kathamndu

More prayer flags and shrines

Putting up prayer flags with Amala

My dad and I by a Buddha statue

Looking at an ancient idol

Burning pots at a temple

Spinning Prayer wheels at Swayambhu

Me with Kathmandu in the background

Swayambhu Stupa
My dad and I with a Hindu idol

Me on a Nepali swing

A lotus flower, these are sacred flowers in Nepal

My mom, dad, amala, and me


  1. Pascal,
    So glad you are having a fun time. I bet you catch up on your sleep quickly! Have a wonderful trek & take plenty of pictures. I'm enjoying your blog. Tell mom & dad I say hello. :-)
    Mitzi AkA-Sierra & Summer's mom

  2. Anna and I are tuning into your blog. We're really excited for you and are so happy you're sharing your travels with us! Thanks.

    Anna and Ryan Kragerud

  3. Pascal,

    What amazing things you are getting to do and see!! The pictures are lovely, I love the lotus flower. Congrats on the loose teeth too!!

    All my love,

    Aunt Nicole
