Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Making friends in Nepal

me and Kabita.

 me and Pramisha.

me and Pramisha

 me and Pramisha.

me and Nepali friends.

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Back in Kathmandu - Temples

One of the biggest activities in Kathmandu is visiting temples.  Here are some of the temples that we saw.

Transportation in Nepal

There are many different ways to get around in Nepal!

Riding a raft to get to our hotel in Pokara
Pulling the raft by rope to the other side of the lake

Me riding Dorje, our trekking horse

A pack horse traffic jam while on trek

A goat traffic jam on the road

Goat traffic jam and some Nepali buses, look at how decorated they are!

Motorcycles and scooters often have 2, 3, or even 4 people on them.

Selling fruit from a bicycle

A tractor hauling supplies

A bus so crowded people have to ride on the top!

Decorated TATA truck

Safari Jeeps

Another crowded bus with people riding on top

A tuktuk

A road filled with bicycle rickshaws

A Nepali bus wash, just drive the buses into the river for a bath

Houses in Nepal

There are many different looking houses in Nepal depending on the region.  We saw Gurung style houses on trek, Taru style houses in the jungle, and Newari style around Kathmandu.  Below are some examples of traditional houses and buildings we saw.

On Safari in Chitwan

 Today I went to Chitwan Jungle for a safari. 

Nepal not only has high mountains, but in the south it also has lowland jungles that are a part of the Gangetic Plains of India.  In a few places thick jungles with rhinos and tigers still exist.

We went to Chitwan in a bus from Pokhara.  We then changed to another bus, then a boat, and finally a jeep to get into the heart of the jungle.  I saw two types of deer and a rhino from the jeep.  It was a long and hard journey because I nearly threw up in the bus, and a girl sitting next to us did throw up! which smelled really bad.

rhino in bush.

There was a baby elephant at Chitwan that always followed its mom.  We rode elephants on a safari to see wildlife!

mom and baby elephants.

mom scraping off  bark with baby.

us on safari.

us on safari with baby following.

us going back two camp.

rhino in mist.

two elephants.

spotted deer.


dad and me on cabin.

me feeding elephant.

A tiger pug mark in the sand next to my hand